We get a lot of customers asking why we cannot repair GHD Eclipse and platinum models, so I have written this quick blog to explain what the faults are. Also, I am not aware of any repairers carrying out reliable repairs on these models.
There are 2 main differences between the Eclipse/Platinum and all the previous models. In the past GHD 3.1b, 4.0b, 4.2b and GHB 5.0 were easy to dismantle and the parts to repair them were readily available. This made Repairs relatively straight forward and economically viable. The latest models are neither of the above. They are bonded rather than screwed together which makes dismantling harder and more time consuming.
The next problem is that the later ghd models are a lot more complicated electronically and this stems from one of the features that GHD use to promote the straighteners i.e. ‘tri zone technology’. In Ghd5.0 and older there is one heater in each arm. The heater in the non-switch arm has an electronic component (thermistor) bonded to it. The Thermistor senses the temperature and sends a signal to the electronics to control both heaters and so the temperature in both plates.
In the Eclipse and Platinum models there are 3 areas in each of the 2 heaters. The temperature of each of the six zones is controlled separately with six thermistors sending signals the electronics. This six-fold increase of control and all the components associated with it appears to be one of the problems that has led to reliability problems.
The next problem effecting the latest model GHD’s is that the heater plates appear to crack a lot more readily than older models and I have heard a couple of explanations as to why this may be. Firstly, behind the heaters is a ribbed rubber/ silicon part that supports the heater. With time and heat cycles the rubber supports appear to deteriorate and stick to the plate and cause problems as the ceramic heater heats and cools. Secondly and probably a more contributory factor is the “Tri Zone Technology”. As explained earlier each heater is divided into 3 zones which heat and cool at different times in theory to keep the plates a constant temperature along the length of the plate. However, the edges of each of the heating elements are very close to each other and 1 area may be cooling slightly while an adjacent area is heating. Over many cycles this is likely to stress the ceramic and eventually cause it to crack.
Fortunately, GHD still make the previous model GHD 5.0 which was probably the most reliable model that GHD made. Eclipse and Platinum appear to be a step backwards and it is important that potential customers read the reviews online to get an idea for themselves as to whether the Eclipse and Platinum are worth the money for a product that may not be as reliable as the old models and may not last as long.
My own personal advice is if you are going to buy GHDS then go for the older model ghd5 which is not only considerably cheaper but appears to more reliable and can be repaired if they ever go faulty