What is Shiver Mode?
I know what you are thinking – it’s when you go out in the snow and you come back in freezing cold, but apart from that how many people know what GHD shiver mode is?
At FixMyGhds we occasionally get GHD repairs sent to us and when we test them there doesn’t appear to be a fault. We go through the ghds and test all the components thoroughly and as a last resort we will ring the customer. When we ask what the fault is they say it is a constant beeping noise and they don’t warm up.
There are a couple of reasons for this. 1 is a fault in the circuit boards in side the GHD arms and the other is ‘Shiver Mode’.
Shiver Mode is a feature that GHD straighteners have built in in all models after the GHD 3.1b. (so GHD4.0 to 4.2b, 5.0 ect). It is designed so that when the temperature is below about 11 degrees C the ghds will not power the heater plates up and the GHD,s will just make a constant beeping noise.
The reason why this feature has been built into the straighteners is because if they were to get suddenly warm from below about 11 degrees the moisture in the air surrounding the PCB,s can form condensation. The condensation on the electronic components may then cause damage to the PCB’s and permanently damage the straighteners to the point where they wont power up at all and need to be sent off for repair.
11 degrees is pretty cool for the straighteners to get if they are kept in a centrally heated house but in very cold weather if the heating hasn’t been on overnight they may get below this threshold temperature. Also if you have been travelling and the ghd’s have been left in a cold car for example they may go into Shiver Mode when you first take them into the house.
If your GHDs are constantly beeping and wont heat up, before you book a repair let the straighteners warm up to above 11 degrees and they should then work properly. If you are in a rush to use them then they can be placed on a radiator for a short period of time or gently heated with a hairdryer.
If this still doesn’t work then there is a good chance that they have gone faulty and a repair should be booked from the home page of our web site www.fixmyghds.com All the repairs are carried out within 24 hours of us receiving them.
If you are unsure or want any more information about ghd repair please ring Mike on 07788 144744