Why are my Ghds beeping?

There are several reasons that you may get a bleeping noise from your Ghds.

  1. Shiver mode – When the ghds are are below about 10 deg C ( in a cold room or may have been in your bag while you have been outside during cold weather). This is a built in feature and is normal. Ghd introduced this feature to protect the heater plates from cracking. If you think your Ghds may be in shiver mode warm up gently with a hair dryer or place on a warm radiator for a few minutes to warm up. If they are still bleeping when warm then they are faulty
  2. Intermittent bleeping – If it is intermittent bleeping it will usually be the power lead connection and will usually come and go as you move the lead
  3. Regular loud bleeping – this is usually the component that detects and controls the ghd temperature. Usually when it makes this noise the Ghds do not heat up and require repairing.
  4. Irregular quiet bleeping – this is usually caused by faulty resistors on the circuit board. Some pcb faults can be repaired and some require the circuit board to be replaced. Usually the ghd fault has been caused by a power surge either because of a faulty power lead or a faulty power lead connector. These components need checking properly otherwise the fault on your straighteners will return.

FixMyGhds.com offer a fixed price for all of the above faults and regardless of the number of faults we would never ask you for anymore than £24.95 for the repairs. We fully test every pair of ghds before returning them and we guarantee the GHDs. Because we keep all the parts in stock 95% of our repairs are carried out the day that we receive them. If you have any questions please call Mike on 07788 144744 or book online using the purple button at the bottom of the page.

Are my GHD straighteners under lifetime warranty?

There is a common misconception that ghd have a lifetime warranty but unfortunately this is not true. No ghds have ever carried a lifetime warranty. The warranty on certain GHD products has been increased over time and the length of the warranty indicated below is correct at the time of writing this (February 2021)

GHD Platinum +                   GHD warranty period 3 years

GHD Platinum                      GHD warranty period 2 years

GHD Eclipse                          GHD warranty has now expired on all these models as they haven’t been produced for a                                                      number of years

GHD Ghd 5.0                         GHD warranty has now expired on all these models as they haven’t been produced for a                                                      number of years

GHD Curling tongs               GHD warranty 2 years

GHD Hair Dryers                  GHD warranty 12 months (except Helios 2 years)

GHD SS5 wide plate             GHD warranty 2 year

GHD 4.2 b (classic)              GHD warranty 2 years


GHD are very strict with regard to the warranty start date. There is a sticker attached to all GHD products containing the Model number and a Date Code. If your date code indicates that the product is still in warranty then GHD will honor the warranty

If The date code indicates that the product is out of warranty you will need to prove the date that you bought the straighteners. (The difference in date is because the product will have been in stock for sometime before you bought it)

Because you have to prove the date that you bought your ghds in most cases, it is important to keep your proof of purchase. It is a good idea to register your product as soon as possible with GHD in case there is a warranty claim later.

You will find that GHD are very strict with the warranty start date. It is unlikely, in our experience, that GHD will give you any grace on the warranty period. Telling them that the ghd product was a present and you didn’t receive them for 2 months after they were purchased or you have only used them a few times will make no difference – they will only warrant them for the period above, taken from the purchase date.

The next problem that you will have is the time that it takes for GHD to acknowledge a claim and send you a new ghd. You will probably find that it will take about 2 weeks.

It is worth noting that GHD don’t repair any straighteners and if you have a genuine warranty claim within the warranty period ghd will simply replace the product with new although the warranty on the new pair that they send  will expire on the date that the old pair would have expired on.

However if your ghd Straighteners have broken and they are out of warranty all is not lost. We are an independent GHD hair straightener repairer and have been carrying out ghd repair since 2010. In that time we have repaired approximately 13,000 pairs of ghds and so have probably the best knowledge of GHD and their problems of anyone in the country.

Unfortunately we cant repair the Platinum Models (no one can as no compatible parts are not available) However we can repair all models with a slide on/ off switch and because we keep all the parts for these models in stock the repair will be carried out the same day that we receive them.

If you require a ghd repair please book online using the link at the bottom of the page

Can my ghds be repaired?


how to repair faulty ghd can my ghd be repaired
Ghd repair service – fixmyghds.com

Generally speaking most models of straighteners are repairable no matter how old. However some of the very latest ghd straighteners as well as all hair hairdryers and curling tongs are not repairable as no parts are available.

If you have ghd straighteners that are broken there is a really easy way to tell if they are repairable – look at the on/off button

  1. All the models that have an on/ off button that slides from side  or up and down can be repaired (see model list below), no matter how old they are.
  2. If the button is a round button and you press it in to switch the straighteners on and off then 2 models of ghd cannot be repaired these are Ghd Platinum and Ghd Elclipse,  as no parts are available. See the images at the bottom of this blog to identify Platinum and Eclipse.
  3. However we can now repair the the new model Ghd Gold model number S7N261 (model number shown in top left of identification sticker)
Ghd Gold model identification sticker
 New Gold Model S7N261 identification


ghd gold model can now be repaired by fixmyghds
Ghd Gold can be repaired by fixmyghds.com


FixMyGhds.com can also repair any model of ghds if they have a button that slides.

Below is a list of GHD straightener model numbers that can be repaired:

GHD 3   GHD 3.1b   GHD 4.0   GHD 4.1   GHD 4.2   GHD 4.3   GHD 4.2b

GHD 5.0   MS  MS2   MS4   MS5   SS   SS2   SS4   SS5.0

The Model number is shown usually on the top left hand corner of a sticker that is inside the arm.

ghd repair model number for repairs. which model straighteners

It doesn’t matter how old this type of straighteners are we have all the parts in stock to carry out the repair and so they will be repaired, usually the same day, as we receive them. Because it is a postal service we can repair ghds from anywhere in the UK

The models that cannot be repaired are Platinum, Eclipse, Hairdryers and curling tongs.

Remember if the on/off button slides they are ok if it is a round button that presses in then they cannot be repaired

The process is simple through FixMyGhds.com. Book the repair online using the button below. Send the ghds to us along with a note with your name and return address so that we can identify them as being yours. We will repair the straighteners as soon as we receive, clean and fully test them before posting them back to you.

Ghd Eclipse and Platinum cannot be repaired


Ghd Eclipse

repair for ghd 6 eclipse model fixmyghds Scotland repair

Ghd Platinum

ghd platinum straighteners at fixmyghds for repair



This blog was written to answer the following questions that are frequently asked on Google:

Can my ghds be repaired

Can my ghd straighteners be repaired

Can ghds be fixed

Pink GHD hair straighteners

The rule book clearly shows that people like to buy products with utmost guarantee factor. There are numerous sub-factors involved here. Performance drives the shopping instinct and generates need in the first place. The key to overall project is to promote style and comfort together at the same place. Every major business house has certain expectations to set and perform the task up to. The glamour and beauty industry holds the initiative here. GHD is leading it from the front and bringing the customer side of this project forth. Pink GHD hair straightener has become one of the favorite and must-have products on every household shelf. People may like to engage in a discussion but it literally does not exist. The reasoning part is over. Others might fall subject to indecisiveness and productivity nature of the product.

Pink GHD hair straightener shares competiveness at every level of being. It is equipped with latest modern day technical features and is an overall collection of possible features. The quality aspect has become of paramount importance. The respective hair straightener takes essential care of hair health and prevents any form of heat damage done or risk caused. It further works in tandem to preserve available moisture in the process. It is perfectly structured to be taken along during vacations or other travelling purposes. The manufacturing team has made sure that there is no extra requirement of any other electrical appliances for proper functioning of the product. Pink GHD hair straightener has left nothing on time or space for any kind of favor. The whole concept has been masterly crafted and engineered to perfection.

The introduction of infrared heating and negative ions has become a worldwide revolution. It has taken hair care and straightening skills to another time and another era. LED indicator provides timely assistance and keeps it target oriented. For commercial purposes and general awareness, Pink GHD hair straightener has won accolades and rave reviews from all sections of the society. The ceramic heating plates are indeed worth the price. The term to be used here is ‘smooth’ to depict the underlying characteristic. In recent times, people have focused immensely on the section of customer service. Business is about building long term connections and continuous improvement standards are the order of every functional society.

Pink GHD hair straightener stands more than the size and shape factor. It has won the trust of everybody who has ever thought of using quality product.

GHD hair Straightener mk4

Quality makes the heart beat endlessly well. Products and individuals that share similar thinking pattern must be included in the hall of fame category. It is a continuous process and perfection is highly unattainable. Running water displays the nature of things here. For products, there stand two directions. Either to continue providing industry standards and follow regular norms or make few changes based on the feedback available and usher in new era. The choice was presented and made available to all.

GHD hair straightener mk4 has certainly made it home and into the living spaces. There is no dearth of opportunities here to discuss about and impart education. It is marvel of modern day technology, to say the least. In the list of ever increasing features, there stands no room for complacency or error to be placed. The core objective is to protect hair from every other type of damage. The availability of ceramic plates ensures that heating element is properly functional and no extra pressure is applied here. Hair shares soft and sensitive nature. So, it becomes of imperative nature for everything to be accurately positioned in order to find the perfect look and style.

GHD hair straightener mk4 is a collection of well thought plan. The execution pattern has made it standing alone in the competition. It marks the successful combination of negative ions and infrared set together. Both are vital to the success factor and detailed view must be taken here. Negative ions are meant to take care of moisture available and keep the heat level under control so as to prevent any form of loss. In the next phase, infrared works from inside out and helps further in the process. It is worth mentioning again that other products lack and fall behind at such critical junctures in time. GHD hair straightener mk4 has been strengthened with additional security features.

It is often observed that numbers of other hair straightener models are ill-structured or not able to keep pace with time. GHD hair straightener mk4 is empowered with range of attractive features to cater to rising industry needs. The principle working in the favor of GHD hair straightener is its unique ability to envisage and make it happen well in time. People like to experiment and express their self by the means of different hairstyles. And the opportunity has been capitalized by industry experts.